Kamis, 18 Desember 2008

Kids film in the making

I decided to start writing a kids' film the other day. I have the first scene, some characters ideas and a very basic plot that will change like mad before it's concrete.

I have my good writer friend Michelle Goode to thank for this endeavour. We were talking the other day (on facebook) about the lack of good children's TV shows out there and that inspired me. It's about time we got some decent stuff out there for the young folk. I'm talking about the likes of the (original) Power Rangers, Thunder Cats or - my one of my favourite kids shows - Biker Mice from Mars. Those were the good days!

I'm currently reading Philip Pullman's 'Northern Lights' (yes, the one that was made into The Golden Compass). It's in readiness for next semester at uni, where I'll be studying children's language and literature. Hopefully that will give me some useful information when it comes to writing for that age group.

So watch this space people. I intend to (at some point) write a kids' film and killer TV show that appeals to all ages!

Shiny times,

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